Occupational Therapy Services


Occupational Therapy

How can Neurological Occupational Therapy help you?

Neurological occupational therapy specialises in neurological rehabailitation  and can thoroughly assess the challenges indivduals with neurological impairments.  Our occupational therapist will assess your strengths and barriers due to your neurological condition and provide interventions to optimsise your function, independence and safety. 

The goal of neurological rehabilitation is to assist you return to the highest level of function and independence possible, while improving your overall quality of life. Our occupational therapist have work with people with various neurological conditions including: stroke, spinal cord injuries, dementia,  parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, motor neurone disease and cerebral pasly.

    To help reach these goals, neurological occupational therapy services may include:

    Functional Capacity

    • An occupational therapist can assess your functional abilities, including your level of participation in activities of daily living, instrumental activities of daily living and community engagement. 

    • This is important to understand your strengths and meaningful goals to work towards. 

    • Intervention can target at improving your independence and safety when performing activities of daily living (ADLs), such as eating, dressing, showering, toileting, handwriting, cooking, and basic housekeeping.

    • This can assist to reduce carer burden and optimise safety of your caregivers. 

    Upper Limb

    • An occupational therapist can assess your upper limb strength, endurance, grasp, in-hand manipulation, bi-manual dexerity,  speed, co-ordination and fine motor skills.

    • Provide an upper limb exercise program to optimise your active range of motion, strength, endurance, coordination and fine motor skills. 

    • These intervention will optimise your upper limb function and ability to perform activities of daily living. 



    • Occupational therapists are experts in measuring functional cognition, which encompasses assessment of everyday task performance.

    • A cognitive therapy program can target memory, executive function, problem solving, abstract reasoning, attention, and visuospatial skills.

    • The purpose of occupational therapy is to enable compensatory activities and/or restorative approach to improve function when possible. 

    Assistive Technology

    • Assistive technology such as mobility aids (wheelchair, 4 wheeled walker, etc), transfer aid (hoist, transfer bench, etc), self-care aid (shower commode, over toilet frame and modified cultery) and pressure care interventions (cushions and mattress) that  can optimise your independence everyday and reduce risks.

    • Our occupational therapist can provide suitable recommendations for your assistive technology needs, organise trials and provide supporting documentation. This also includes complex and customised assistive technology prescription.

    Home Modifications

    You may need home modifications if you:

    • have safety concerns or difficulty moving around your home.
    • have trouble with personal care, like using your shower.
    • can’t use the rooms you need to use in your home.
    • have difficulty achieving your goals in your home because of your disability.
    • need changes to your home so your carers can support you safely.

    Minor home modification can include grab rails, hand rails, threshold ramps and slip resistant strips. 

    Complex home modifications can include large ramp, widen doorways and wheelchair accessible bathroom.
